Our favorite thing about the internet is how it allows us to connect to artist's that we might not otherwise run into. This happens now and then and sometimes, I'm like wow, this is pretty much amazeing. The other day I had the pleaure of chatting a bit with Trills Nineone, Artist and CEO of Haer Brain Schemes. I'm not going to even try to describe the talent of these artists. We especially love the painting above (^)!
We love the buckskin style and the colors are awesome. Upon further research, we found the graphic t-shirts they are producing as well. They are pretty much amazing, modeled below. Check the blog and other sources for more information and art available by these very interesting and talented people.
2010 piece by @trillsnineone “untitled stress” H A E R B R A I N S C H E M E S I S I N F I N I T E
www.haerbrainblog.com |
Trills Ninone |